Finding Someone New

Yes, if are ´newly single´ it is initially difficult to start meeting and mingling. I understand this. That said there is a wealth of techniques to ensure you will meet that special person.
An extract from Single Again
“The modern world has lost its village squares and, it appears, all our other meeting places. Is it that the more ‘advanced’ a nation is, the colder and more isolated the people become? Besides, in the few places we have left, who really feels happy going into a bar alone, particularly if you are a woman. This is another one of western society’s taboos – ‘nice women don’t go to bars alone; they only go to get picked up’. Interesting – ‘Picked up’ or meet new friends?”
Stay with me on this. We will explore the world of new liaisons and techniques – from clubs to the internet, from single holidays to dining clubs all guarranteed to find someone new.